Are Massages Good For Injuries?

Massage can play an important role in the rehabilitation of injuries. Massage promotes circulation of blood and relaxes muscles. Massage helps deliver more oxygen and nutrients to soft tissues and organs. Increasing vital nutrients in the tissues accelerates the healing rate of the wounded areas. Massage can help with a range of injuries, including sprains, strains, broken bones, and muscle tears. Using a variety of massage techniques, massage can stretch tightness and loosen scar tissue. Massage as part of injury rehabilitation can increase the healing rate and shorten recovery time.

What type of massage is used post injury?

There are many types of massage that can be used after injury. The following types of massage used are:

Sports Massage

Sports massage is a deep form of soft tissue mobilization. Sports massage can be performed in a sporting and non-sporting context. Sports massage involves a wide range of techniques including blinking, kneading, wringing, hacking and triggering. Sports massage is used for general relaxation of the skeletal system as well as for any problem areas. Sports massage helps relieve muscle tension, break down adhesion, mobilize soft tissues and reduce pain.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is applied to deeper layers of muscle and fascia tissue (connective tissue surrounding muscles). Deep tissue massage can be used to treat muscle adhesions, break down hard fibrous tissue, and re-align it back to normal form. Deep tissue massage will help reduce tension, increase flexibility, reduce pain and improve recovery.

Remedial Massage

A wide range of massage techniques are used throughout the remedial massage to treat muscular problems. Remedial massage can be used to reduce muscle tension, reduce pain and mental relaxation of the body. Many benefits come from remedial massage, such as relaxation, deceased tension and increased tissue elasticity.

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is a type of therapeutic massage that can be performed in a gentle and vigorous manner. Swedish massage uses a wide range of massage techniques and strokes to promote relaxation. Gentle massage techniques are performed during a Swedish massage to help warm muscles, increase blood circulation and release tension. More vigorous types of techniques are used to break down adhesions in soft tissues. Receiving a Swedish massage is also used to enhance other health benefits. The health benefits of a Swedish massage include improved blood circulation, stimulation of the lymphatic system, prevention of muscle injury and a reduction in pain.

When can massage help post injury?

Massage can help in the treatment of soft tissues after injury. The circumstances in which massage can help with post injury are as follows:

  • Acute Pain – Many people are suffering from acute pain for a variety of reasons. Types of acute pain include muscular pain, severe pain, or pain from shooting. The most common causes of acute pain include injury, surgery, overuse of muscles and muscle tension. Pain is created when there is something wrong with the receptors in the skin. The receptors then send a signal to the brain to send a message to the nerves. Nerves will then create a feeling of pain that stops or reduces activity. Pain can lead to an increase in stress levels, a decrease in relaxation and a feeling of frustration or anxiety due to the prevention of sport or exercise.
  • Scarring – Massage helps cure several times of scarring. The massage eliminates the post-surgical, post-surgical and acute pain scar tissue. Massage is an efficient therapy for skin cure following injury. Injuries of soft tissue with scar tissue are remedied. Scar tissue is made of rough, rigid tissue referred to as collagen fibers. In an effort to recover damaged fibres, the Scar tissue binds in both directions. Untreated scar tissue can cause injury, pain and loss of function of soft tissue.
  • Tight Muscles – Pre-event will help with a massage for tight muscles. Muscles will also become tight before an event because of an increase in exercise to prepare for the event. Muscle strain reduces motion and increases the risk of injuries, such as muscle strains, pull and tears. A massage is aimed at decreasing muscle strength by increasing muscle flexibility and elasticity by increasing muscle fiber and tissue temperature. Increasing muscle flexibility and elasticity permits maximum motion without constraint or discomfort.