Strength & Resilience
About Strength and Resilience
Structural alignment and well-produced muscle symmetry will increase natural strength and ability. Kinematic malfunctions create muscle weakness and inhibit anatomical movement. Our ultimate goal is to help you achieve “Strength and Resilience.”
Body function and movement is produced by three integrated systems that are interdependent. The neural system, muscular system, and skeletal system. The human anatomy is completely wired by the brain and 7 trillion nerves which commands 600 plus muscles to activate force unto a bony skeletal system, creating movement and function. Without the brain sending actions for muscles to perform and muscles being able to respond, we have no action or movement. Muscles are the enforcers of the body generating only three types of actions: concentric (muscle shortening) or producing strength other words force, eccentric (muscle lengthening) or receiving force, and isometric (holding force) or stabilization. Muscles are also attached to bony landmarks on the skeletal system which is the structure of the body known as the framework. As our mind or brain commands muscles to produce force on our bones, the skeletal structure receives force or energy creating body movement or maintaining stationery posture. Hiking is a good example for instants, walking and climbing on uneven terrain such as hills that have hard and soft ground in some. The neuro system calls on large muscle groups to contract, lengthen, and stabilize our movement simultaneously creating balance and stabilization as we move through space. Another example is bicep curls, when executing this exercise you will need to first pick up the dumbbell, which calls for your bicep and triceps to isometrically hold the weight and as you begin to curl the load. As you are curling the dumbbell the bicep contracts (shortens) while the triceps simultaneously lengthens creating what is called a coupled force. Without optimal function the body is partly inoperable and prone to injury.
Our vision
Our vision is to reinstate ideal function, mobility, strength, and last of all resilience. Implementing imputation of a strong skeletal structure well sound in alignment and balance. Forwarding freedom of mobility through structural alignment starting with a pelvic hip position calibration, following with creating a natural spinal flow by allowing the vertebrae proper alignment through strength counter-strength techniques without hard adjustments (back cracking). Proper alignment helps the muscle to fully engage or release in movement and function. Joint and spinal restriction are causes for immobility and loss of strength.

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Recent Testimonials
“James is phenomenal in the way he heals any pain you have. I was in constant neck and shoulder pain caused by my job as a dental hygienist. Making that phone call to book my appointment with James is one of the best decisions I ever made…I can never see a regular massage therapist ever again, knowing what I know now…the bodywork techniques with posture corrections and alignment James addresses are brilliant and has rebuilt my faith that was getting worn out by constantly seeing physical therapists, different chiropractors and massage therapists. And to top it off, James is thoughtful, and kind with a genuine heart to add value to his clients’ overall physical health and life.”
“I recently began running track just for exercise. I ran in high school many many moons ago. I noticed that I was have trouble with my right hip. Something felt tight or stuck. I really wasn’t sure of the problem but was certain from my years of running something wasn’t right. I explained my problem to James and during the assessment he explained how the body works and responds and in comparison the state my hip was in. Every step of the adjustment he explained what he was doing and how it impacted my hip. After one adjustment, I left his office, instantly feeling a difference. I left his office with instructions for stretching and flexibility. He was also kind enough to check the position of my seat in my car. The best part about this experience is after my first lap on the track, I felt the relief and no resistance in the rotation of my hip. I was so excited that I phoned James from the track, literally out of breath, to thank him for helping me. I thought it was age but he fixed it! Thanks! A “40+“ Runner4Life ☺️”