Murray Elementary School is a highly ranked public school in Dublin, CA. With a student-teacher ratio of 22 to 1, it has 615 students in grades K-5. 57 per cent of students are at least proficient in math and 61 per cent in reading, according to state test scores.
Your official source of information about our school and our students is the Murray Elementary School website. In a healthy and caring family-like atmosphere, they provide a quality education and are committed to providing all students with the behavioral and academic skills to achieve their fullest potential and to become responsible life-long learners that are evident in our statements of belief.
Students in grades K-3 from our education facilities. Their small class size and committed employees create a supportive learning atmosphere that promotes academic success for their students. Every day, they work hard to preserve the long history of academic excellence that has existed in our district since 1872.
With their student-led Tiger News, our school day begins at 7:25. From the moment students arrive at 2:25 until their final minute, they provide their students with the most supportive and caring atmosphere possible.
Their goal at Murray is to instill the joy of learning in their students by empowering our students as complex thinkers, quality creators, collaborative and independent workers, self-directed learners, and responsible contributors to society with the content, skills and resources necessary to achieve their highest potential.
At Murray, their vision is to provide a nurturing atmosphere where the importance of learning and working together is known and evident everywhere. Their vision is to provide a stimulating, optimistic and secure learning atmosphere that supports the achievement of academic students, social development and the growth of lifelong learners.
They will welcome you warmly to Magical Murray Elementary! Murray Elementary is a truly magical place to learn and develop through our team of teachers, support staff, and volunteers. They are committed to creating an inclusive atmosphere for learning that promotes each child’s social, emotional, and academic development.
A strong home and school relationship fosters greater success for their kids. To cultivate a fruitful relationship, they enable parents to connect with teachers and employees.
This amazing school is just one of the many must-see schools you don’t want to miss in Dublin, California:
- Dublin Elementary School
- Valley High School
- John Green Elementary School
- Dublin High School
- Quarry Lane School
- Eleanor Murray Fallon Middle School
- Valley Christian Preschool
- Frederiksen Elementary School
All of these wonderful schools are located just a short distance from our location located at 6400 Village Pkwy #101 in Dublin, California! Stop by for a visit anytime!